
There were four layers in the excavation, three of them inside the pit.

I (L16)

The lowest layer in the pit. A thin layer of reddish earth with many fragments of cultic stands, as well as fragments of bowls and chalices. It was noticed only in the eastern side of the pit under L15, in the west it was either not noticed or did not exist.

II (L15, L13)

Above layer I was a deep layer of soft, gray ash. It included thousands of bowls, almost all of them broken, few other smaller vessels, mainly juglets and fire pans, many fragments of cultic stands and relatively few chalice fragments.

III (L14,L12)

Above layer II was the third layer of the pit. It was composed of reddish earth with few bowls, but with a great number of broken chalices. It also included many fragments, as well as eleven complete or nearly complete cult stands. Whole cult stands were found in a crescent shaped area at the edge of the pit.

IV (L7 – L11)

The area of the pit above layer III was severely damaged by the bulldozer as well as a trench added by robbers. There were no complete stands and the pottery in these loci was more fragmented.